Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Don't exagerate your pay to others
Even though there may be a highly remote possibility that these claims are true (Investment Banking analyst can be making this amount), the person is probably lying to you. However, what these exaggerating individuals fail to realize is that no one cares! Most of the time people are turned off by braggers and don't want to be included in their company. This just alienates a young professional from his or her most important network, their peers. Plus, it is difficult to compare jobs across fields. How can a finance person really brag to a non-profit working about how much he or she is making?
I would guess however that anyone grossly overstating his or her pay has self-esteem issues. By using compensation to brag to others, individuals are able to superficially raise themselves up. Don't fall into the trap of trying to make yourself look good. If you really want to talk to someone about work, discuss issues your having or interesting projects your working on. People will be more responsive, and it will allow them to relate to you more.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A few things to remember from the fall of Bear Stearns
Yesterday, 14,000 employees found out they had a new boss. In a truly historic event (I’m sure someone is already brokering a book deal), JP Morgan Chase has purchased the investment bank Bear Stearns for a little less than $250 million. The deal price represents an almost 98% drop in value and comes just days after Bear Stearns management reassured investors the company was worth $11 billion!
This is an incredibly tragic event, but a few lessons can be gleaned for the freshman of the workforce.
1. Be careful about companies attached to one particular market
While Bear Stearns offered many different products to a wide variety of clients, it was one of the largest underwriters of mortgage-backed securities in the industry. The downturn of the market (one could argue signaled by the collapse of two Bear Stearns hedge funds) began to slowly impact the company in a wide variety of ways. Working for a company that is too closely tied to one market can spell trouble for employees during market downturns.
2. Don’t hold more than 10% of a company's stock in your retirement account
As you begin to move up the corporate ladder, stock options will become an increasing component of your compensation. Make sure this stock only represents AT MAXIMUM 10% of your total assets. Sell the rest you are given and invest it in a mutual fund. Although there will be years your coworkers will make more, you will be better protected and diversified. Bear’s stock fell from a little over $150 to $2 in a year.
3. Pay attention to rumors
Although they just may be rumors, you can never be too sure. Start updating your resume and thinking about emergency plans right away! The best defense can be a good offense. You might even want to think about what other industries you could enter if a market downturn is widespread.
4. Never be a martyr
Even with all the hard work and years of dedication the employees put in, it just wasn’t enough. To top that, the company was so broke there will definitely be no “reimbursement” to the employees. Never give your employer more than is deserved to them. Show up. Work hard. Do your best. But the days of “sacrifice” are over. I’m sure you can find something better to do with your life.
5. Have 6 months of living expenses in the bank at all times
The basic message of the Bear Stearns saga is you never know what can happen. Despite all of management’s positive reinforcement of Bear’s position, the company collapsed overnight and 14,000 people woke up without any job security. The average job search takes approximately 6 months to complete. Make sure you have enough saved away for the basics while your searching.